My host-sister (from my other "family" in Germany), Vera, had a beautiful baby girl on August 31st. Sweet baby girl Iris was a healthy 4,380 grams and 52 cm (9 lb 10.5 oz and 20.5 in). Vera is SUPER MOM... she went to a birthing center at 8:00 AM, had Iris by 9:30 AM (without drugs, with a midwife) and was home 2 hours later. Claudia, my host-mother, assures me this is not typical. Iris has two older brothers, Mathis and Jannes, and one cousin, Jonas (Jörg's son).... all make up Ryder's "cousins" in Germany. Iris is the first girl grandchild for Claudia and Bernhard. Wonderful news for the entire Mayer Blasig family!
Vera and Iris |
I love you, Iris!! |
To answer the common question I get, no I did not cut Ryder's hair. Oddly enough, his hair has grown in this way. It looks like a hair piece on top! :)